Dominique ...


... is, with Alexandre, one of the two co-initiators of the project. He is the president of French E-Racer et coordinates the project.

He has been involved in pylon racing in France since 2002, the year he joined APAF. He became president in 2009 and has managed the races in France since then.

Logo APAF petit L500

He is building a Cassutt racing plane and is of course a member of the RSA Federation. 

                  Logo RSA Standard H97

He has also been involved at an international level since 2014, having participated as a voluntary race managing team member in many races organized by Air Race 1. He was involved in the editing of racing rules and the initial technical rules of the electric formula promoted by Air Race E.


      Logo Air Race 1 H55    logo Air race E L132xH30 L500

After a career as a tactical air transport pilot on C160 Transall and as an air safety officer in the French Air Force, since spring 2019 he has been captain on a PC12 for a European aviation company.

He has totalled 5000 hours of flight on many types of plane and glider.

He is married and has two daughters.